Fawcett coat of arms

SS "Wilcannia" 1888


Here you will find stories & pictures of the family starting from their migration to Australia
on the SS "Wilcannia" in 1908 (pictured above), up to the present day. If you're interested in reading stories, anecdotes and tales garnered from the combined history of the Fawcett family, check out the stories archive. If a pictorial record is more your bent, then be sure to visit the galleries section. In the miscellaneous section you will find poetry, art, articles and other contributions - even pieces by myself. There are ancient documents & pictues of cars, ships & places.

I believe the details on this site to be fact, but if you are aware of any discrepancies, or can fill in some of the gaps in the history of the Fawcett family, please press the button & email me.

I truly hope you enjoy this site

Geoff Fawcett (webmaster)

Hello & welcome to the Fawcett's Website!... [under construction] I am your host Geoff Fawcett...Enjoy...

Emily Elizabeth Christning
Christmas 2005 Kingsthorpe
Emily's Christening